Mayor: Kimberley Cawley
Town Council:
Marilyn Forchuk(Deputy Mayor)
Raymond Coad
Shelley Deleeuw
Kimberly Dorin
Henry Zacharias
Russell Norris
Committees & Members
Municipal Planning Commission
Councillor Ray Coad
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Councillor Henry Zacharias
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw (Alternate)
Chinook Intermunicipal Subdivision Division & Development Appeal Board
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Councillor Kimberly Dorin (Alternate)
Taber Regional Joint Economic Development Committee
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Councillor Ray Coad (Alternate)
Councillor Ray Coad
Councillor Kimberly Dorin (Alternate)
Regional Assessment Review Board
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Vauxhall Public Library Board
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Chinook Arch Library Board
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Taber & District Solid Waste Management Committee
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Taber & District Housing Foundation
Councillor Ray Coad
Vauxhall & District Regional Water Services Commission
Councillor Ray Coad
Richard Phillips (Member at Large)
Oldman River Regional Services Commission (ORRSC)
Councillor Ray Coad
Protective Services Committee
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Vauxhall Regional Fire Authority
Councillor Ray Coad
Councillor Henry Zacharias
Inter-municipal Development Authority (as required)
Coucillor Ray Coad
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Vauxhall Emergency Advisory Committee
All of Council
Vauxhall & District Chamber of Commerce
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Mayor Kimberley Cawley (Alternate)
Policy, Bylaw and Rate Committee
Deputy Mayor Marilyn Forchuk
Councillor Kimberly Dorin
Public Information Officer-Emergency Management Plan
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Barons-Eureka-Warner FCSS
Councillor Ray Coad
Pheasant Festival Committee
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Inter-municipal Collaboration Committee
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Councillor Ray Caod
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Veterans Memorial Highway Association
Councillor Kimberly Dorin
Vauxhall Business and Tourism Committee
Councillor Shelley Deleeuw
Councillor Kimberly Dorin
Vauxhall Community Center Advisory Committee
Mayor Kimberley Cawley
Councillor Kimberly Dorin
Vauxhall Ag Society
Councillor Henry Zacharias
Councillor Shelly Deleeuw (Alternate)